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Od 18 rokov
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Bonjour je veux avoir une photo du gel car je me suis tellement fait avoir je recherche un gel crémeux pour le fistsi vous avez cela merci de votre m'a recherche un gel très lubrifiant qui fait des fils quand ont l'utilise
J'ai pris un large et je suis content. Seul chose que je ne comprends pas, le plus petit extérieur est de 55mm, pourquoi ils n'ont pas fait l'intérieur un peu plus grand que 35mm. C'est de l'aluminium, ça aurait pas plier une fois en place si ça aurait été à 45mm par exemple.
I got the S-M-L set. When they arrived I will admit I was slightly horrified at the sizes! However, within a week, The small was too small, and the medium was just right. However, the step from medium to large is ... considerable. I have had to buy an intermediate plug in order to work up to the large, which I now feel is possible, though it is likely the limit of my anatomy - I have to tilt it to get it past my tailbone, and have yet to get it past my sphincter. It's close, though.
Not sure I could ever go 24/7 with these. I think being skinny means I have less padding when I sit down, so they are never really comfortable, plus these never quite feel secure enough for my peace of mind, even wearing a thong to keep things snug. However, they are a pleasant feeling nonetheless.
Not sure what to do with the small one at the moment, though. I would risk having it vanish inside me if I tried it now!
My only suggestion for improvement would be to make the base flange oval instead of round, and perhaps very slightly bigger - it is a bit too close to the largest insertable size. This would improve both comfort and safety in my opinion.
Oh, and maybe something more secure than just the press-in plugs to seal the hole, though that would be a tricky piece of design, I suppose.
Once again I'm pleased to see the usual plastic hygiene seal on my new product: I thinks it's even more important on spray sex essentials, to prevent spills caused by the cap getting lost during shipping: it happens, and I guarantee no one likes to find the packaging all wet from the leaked product and inside, the bottle half empty.
The first thing that catches my attention while getting the VERYCLEAN 2.0 in my hands is the subtle yet pleasant scent I can smell even through the unopened plastic seal. I would describe it as flowery, summery and delicate: it reminded me immediately of a sunscreen hair protection spray I use on the beach and it put me in a good mood. It isn't alcoholic at all and not overpowering.
This is a new pleasant discovery for me: I had only used before unscented toy cleaners that, to be honest, didn't smell very good: they reminded me a little of hand sanitizer or disinfectant, which doesn't exactly put me in the mood for sexy time, especially if I want to clean my accessories before play.
Read full review: https://missdollreviews.wixsite.com/sextoyreviews/blog/meo-veryclean-2.0-toy-cleaner
Nach meine ersten Test zwecks Funktion und Zeit habe ich nun auch die ersten Selbstbondage-Tests damit gemacht. Ein extrem geiles Teil was absolut hält was es verspricht. Zudem ist die Bedienung kinderleicht. Eine ganz klare Kaufempfehlung für jeden der endlich seine Fantasie von sicherem Selbstbondage ausleben möchte.